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Multichannel marketing

Years of experience in agencies working on multichannel marketing campaigns, as well as a later career focusing on Marketing Strategies, make me well placed to advise on a number of channels and strategies.

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SEO Optimisation

Ensuring your website works as well as it possibly can, driving Organic Search Traffic.

Content Strategy

Content is everything in a marketing campaign. How does your content strategy overlay with your marketing channels?

Paid Media Strategy

Developing a strategy for all your Paid Media, ensuring that all your channels work in the most effective way.

Channels Working Together

Channels need to work together, share insights and ensure they are all working to core goals.

Search Marketing

How does your search strategy fit together? Its important to understand how SEO and PPC (Shopping, Local etc) work together.

Media Buying

Its tempting to focus purely on traditionally digital channels, but new ways of buying everything from OOH to TV means that these could be better options for your campaign.

Supporting your Multichannel Marketing

Multichannel marketing is often the best option for growth and improved overall performance. If you want support in learning how to run your campaigns or want someone to run them for you, then get in touch today.

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